In Memory of





Obituary for Truly Ann Cynthia Reaves

Truly Ann Cynthia Reaves (her name was misspelled on her birth certificate) was the eight child of the twelve children by the late Alfred and Lena Reeves of Greenville, North Carolina. She was a wonderful child and excelled in school. Growing up she loved reading books, watching cartoons, and spending time with her sisters. Truly was an excellent student and graduated from J.H Rose High School with Honors in Greenville in 1970. After graduating she moved to New York City with her sisters and worked for Verizon in communications for over 32 years. She was a dedicated employee and when she retired in 2001, the company took a great loss.

As an adult, she was one of the sweetest and nicest persons you will ever meet. She was basically a kid at heart — she loved all the same things she did as a child, she had never changed. She spent most of her time (and money) shopping as the true fashionista of the family. There wasn’t a purse that didn’t have a pairing wallet with 3 books inside and a pair of shoes to match. She also enjoyed helping people less fortunate than her, especially kids when she saw they needed a helping hand, she didn’t hesitate to be that angel for them. Though she didn’t have any children of her own, she took a hand in raising all of her nieces and nephews around her not leaving anyone behind.

During most summers, she would plan trips for many of her nieces and nephews during our summer family vacations. You knew that once the reservations were made that most likely the trip was set in motion because she was very thorough! Moreover, she loved to eat out at places like Outback Steakhouse and Cheddar’s Kitchen, drink Starbucks and McDonald’s Coffee, and go to any book store that wasn’t closed and later talked about how they didn’t have any new books because she had already read them all.

She also did not like it when people messed with her extra money. Even after retirement she did not turn down any opportunity to make extra cash. She was a master washer and enjoyed it to the fullest. Rain, snow, or heat — if you paid her — your clothes would be washed, folded, and put in a bag as if she was a professional laundromat. Truly, also was an excellent cook and took pride in cooking several times a week and every holiday. She’d often joke that she felt like she had a husband the way the phone rang with everyone asking what was for diner that night. Everybody in the family loved her cooking and those who came into her home never left hungry. She would make me an extra side of wings and my own chicken salad every time I would visit New York or when I would see her on vacation (ETR).

Many say she’s smart but to us in the family we would say she was a genius. She was the person who if you needed a 5 page paper due in two days, she would be sending you 10 pages in one. While her children in the family were away at college or camps she was always sending care packages and writing letters to let them know they weren’t forgotten where ever they were. She also had a way of being quiet but hearing everything and making comments only when they suited her point of view. She would look at you as if you had lost your mind when you did not agree. With her big eyes, because she was so smart that she already knew both sides of the argument, welcomed an opportunity to debate in her own way.

Finally, she was extremely kind to our family. There wasn’t a year that went by that I and others did not receive many holiday cards in the mail or while on vacation from her saying that she and her sisters loved us and were thinking about us. Truly had an amazing spirit that will not be forgotten but heavily missed. She leaves behind her uncle Leroy Reeves (s. Ree Reeves) and aunt Mary Jones, siblings Peggy Reeves, Mildred Reeves (John Lester) Calvin Reeves (s. Melanie Reeves), Ernest Reeves and Faith Reeves-Nobles(s. Alton Nobles) and Joan Arnold. She also leaves children that she raised as her own April, Dana, Sierra Ashley, Madison and a host of other nieces and nephews; Craig, Terry, Jeanette, Steven, Diane, Melody, Brandy, Kristian, Carolyn, their children and a host of others that are located all over the world from California to Newark, NJ. She also leaves many friends that love and cherish her including Linda Fleming.

Respectfully submitted,

Ernest T. Reeves, CPT, U.S. Army, Retired, Candidate for U.S. Congress, North Carolina, 3rd Congressional District, 2019 ETR